All posts by: KGCHA Admin


Uber partners with Jumo

Uber has partnered with Jumo, a financial technology company who has created Jumo Drive, a unique digital vehicle finance product that’s easing barriers to car ownership for existing Uber driver-partners. The product has been successfully piloted in Kenya, with the intention to expand the offering across sub-Saharan Africa in 2019.Read more… | Send to a […]


IATA records healthy growth of 6.3% for global passenger demand

ty_yang via [[ Pixabay]]</span>The International Air Transport Association has announced its global passenger traffic results for October. The results reveal that demand (measured in revenue passenger kilometers, or RPKs) rose by 6.3% compared to October 2017; marking a rebound from 5.5% growth recorded in September, which was an eight-month low.Read more… | Send to a […]

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