All posts by: KGCHA Admin


Airline passenger demand declines amid Covid-19 travel restrictions

Image source: [[ Gallo/Getty]]</span>Global passenger traffic data for February 2020 shows that demand fell 14.1% compared to February 2019. This was the steepest decline in traffic since 9.11 and reflected collapsing domestic travel in China and sharply falling international demand to/from and within the Asia-Pacific region, owing to the spreading Covid-19 virus and government-imposed travel […]


For public transport to keep running, operators must find ways to outlast coronavirus

Minimising health risks has rightly been the focus of discussion during the coronavirus outbreak. This includes efforts to protect both frontline public transport employees and the travelling public. But we should also be concerned about the strategic, financial consequences for transport operators and their workforces Read more… | Send to a friend Source: Logistics […]

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